Wednesday, March 30, 2011

We Live and We Learn


We experience many hardships and complexities of life
Many times we fail to understand
Whose really in control of all of the strife
We have to remember that God has all bases manned
We Live and We Learn

God has everything under control
There is no area known to man
That God can't play the role
It was taken care of from the beginning of the plan
We Live and We Learn

We wrestle not against flesh and blood
But against principalities and wickedness in high places
However our ultimate Father is in control of even the flood
He has it all laced better than your shoe laces
We Live and We Learn

We live through all of the trials
But we shall not be burned
Keep moving as God plows
If you keep praying, it will all be discerned
We Live and We Learn

He has the whole world in His hands
There is nothing He doesn't know
And our blessings are as many as we can number the grains of sands
We need to just go with the flow
We Live and We Learn

God has us set up in heavenly places
We shall everlasting, peace, comfort, love, and joy
It's He who our soul yearns and chases
Learn to speak what His words deploy
We Live and We Learn

His Word shall not return unto Him void
Trust and believe every word He has said
And life wouldn't seem so hard
It will be like laying in petals of roses in your bed
We Live and We Learn

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