God will only go as far as you choose to believe! Your manifestation of your dream(s) is awaiting for your faith AND works. God is hovering over you in the area of your dream and is awaiting for you to grab hold with belief! The very thing or area that is challenging you the most which some might consider a nightmare could be your best dream that could ever come true. It could be your miracle or blessing in disguise.
It is God who placed in us dreams to pursue.
To pursue means to follow in order to overtake the enemy's camp in your life, to capture your promise, and to kill anything that comes against what God says concerning your promise. We are to proceed in accordance to the plan of God. The dream(s) that were not just for your own personal benefit, but it is for the Kingdom of God. In regular terms, we say it is to make a difference in the world today. Our individual dreams are to come together and make a difference on the "big screen". There are other people that awaiting for your dream to manifest in order to help them get to where they need to be in life as well. There is a need that when you sow (time, effort, finances) in an area, there must be an unwavering belief or it will only fall on stony ground (unable to take root) or by the wayside.
If you truly believe in something, you will diligently work towards it. Your right and your will have to be denied for the benefit of your dream coming true. The past is yesterday or a moment ago, what will you choose to do today? Many of us abort our dreams by rebellion, stubbornness, laziness, procrastination, excuses because of circumstances, situations, and thus far. These are selfish excuses that cause our promises not to manifest. However, I believe we are held accountable for the dream(s) that we are given because its purpose is to further the Kingdom of God. You are only a vessel that God has chosen and you were bought with a price including the dream:) Therefore, your dream is no longer your own, but it is God's dream. Your dream may look like a nightmare because of your unbelief. It is the very thing or area the enemy uses to come against you with or in and cause you to "feel" defeated. God cannot work in an area where you refuse to believe He is able to manifest. The world is awaiting for you and your dream to manifest.
Your worst nightmare could be your best dream ever! Just Believe!
Matthew 13:58 58 And He did not do many works of power there, because of their unbelief (their lack of faith in the divine mission of Jesus).
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