Friday, December 16, 2011

It's Time for a Shift!

It’s time for a paradigm shift, which is a shift in your belief system.  It’s thinking for a change. It is a perpetual shift that will shift you to the next dimensions in God.  We may find ourselves in what we consider a crisis, seemingly impossible situation, but God is saying NOW faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen!  Crisis, when you operate in faith, births your potential for greatness.  So a man continues to think, so is he.  This shift is for the next generation of leaders and the season of prosperity.  The world is in an economic crisis, but is an opportunity for the wealth of transfer.  The wealth of the wicked transfers to the righteous.  When you are filled with the Holy Ghost, God has given you an anointing, the unction to function, to triumph over every obstacle in your path.  In God’s Storehouse, there are many mansions, and He has anointed you as Kings and Queens.  Therefore, don’t be afraid operate in your anointing; for it will shift (propel) you to the next level of prosperity.  I decree health and wealth, even as your soul prospers, over every individual that reads this message!  Be blessed and shift!

Reference Scriptures: Psalm 37; Hebrews 11:1; Proverbs 13:22; 1 John 2:20; 3 John 1:2

The Chosen

**The Chosen

When you are chosen, it’s nothing that anybody can do about it, including Satan, himself!  Many are invited, but few are chosen!  When you are chosen by God, you are adopted Sons and Daughters into His Kingdom!  The Kingdom of God suffereth violence and the violent take it by force!  We are The Chosen for such a time as this!  If God be for you, who can be against you?  God has granted us all spiritual blessings from heaven.  There is no lack in the Kingdom of God!  The Kingdom package is the best package you can receive on earth and in it you have a royalty membership, including all Kingdom benefits!  God is the owner of this Kingdom Business, entitled God’s Storehouse and He has granted you the authority to run it, just the way He like it, that is to triumph over every enemy!  In God’s Storehouse are all Kingdom blessings and the enemy has done a “stick-up”, but God is raising up a standard and holding Satan at gun-point, and has commanded you the authority to take back everything the enemy has stolen from you!  In God’s Storehouse are all spiritual blessings, which is your inheritance as God’s chosen!  Walk in the authority of The Chosen today!

Reference Scriptures:  Ephesians 1:3-6; Matthew 11:12; Matthew 22:14; Romans 8:31; 1 Peter 2:9; Isaiah 59:19l

Any Day Now!

As people of God, we live for that day to see the Lover of our Soul’s face in peace.   This day is any day now!  We are inspired by hope and faith to continue in our labor of love.  Any day now, the Lord will come for His people, and He tests our hearts that we may be found without spot, wrinkle, or blemish by living a repentant life of holiness.  Any day now is a day of judgment.   Many may think things will just pan out for them, but God is looking for a people who lived according to His eternal Word.  The way we lived our life determines how we spend the rest of eternity.  Though, we live this life on a daily basis, our soul is yearning for eternal rest in Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.   We have been sanctified (set apart) for the “End of Times” for those who don’t know Him may see His glory rest upon us.  Any day now, the King is coming and He is coming soon, for a people who a ready to be taken away into the glorious eternity!

Reference Scriptures: Hebrews 6:2; Acts 17:31; James 5:9; 1 Corinthians 15:58; Hebrews 12:1